Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Get your Gym on

38 days to go.....next stop...London's Victoria Station!!

(New to our countdown - everyday, there will be an image of the bright future matching the number on the countdown. Enjoy!)

I think I apologize for my ranting and raving last night. I think I just felt a little despondent that things were not happening as quickly as I would like.
But in all honesty, things ARE happening. Ok, so I appear to have gained 2lbs, but look…I have completed a week and a half of our fitness challenge. I have gotten into working out again, I am conscious of what I eat, I drink enough water and I am blogging daily….yes, things are happening and even though my mood may change now and then, over all, I already feel much better than I did 2 weeks ago.

So the challenge continues and I am happy to report that today was an awesome day.

For my workout, my partner and I tried out a new gym. And I am so glad we did.
Although I use the gym at work, going to a “real” gym is a whole other experience. One I have not had in about 5 years.
I promise you, if you are looking for motivation, go to a gym.  Just the air in there can get you inspired to work out as long as your body can take. Seeing all those machines and hearing the pumping music makes you want to do just that – pump. And then seeing the people – some like peacocks, strutting their stuff…flat abs, big shoulders, perfect gluts…others a little less impressive but working out with all the fervor of a work horse..and then those obvious beginners learning the ropes for the first time, battling to move their bodies in ways they either have never done before or have forgotten how to. Very enthusiastic trainers smile as they egg their clients on and in the studios, you might see folks having what seems to be a party as they Zumba their extra pounds to oblivion. It’s incredibly inspiring! Could be scary for some, but definitely inspiring for me.
So when we walked in, I knew immediately that I was fit and healthy….until I saw myself in the mirror… and after the initial shock, I remembered that I’d have a little way to go, but I could most certainly get there.
This was a big Aha! Moment kind of thing for me, because for the first time since we started this challenge I actually got a clear vision of my goal….the new me that I am aiming to become. I saw her clear as day; For a moment there on the treadmill, I felt like I was her. Then on the machines, when I saw my reflection, though my apparent reality hit me, I also realized that my vision is also a reality…it is the TRUE reality..the one inside me that just needs to be given the permission to spring forth.

When we have such moments, it is important to welcome the vision.  Most times, we just want to say “oh..that’s the real me in the mirror…why am I fooling myself here? I am a slob…I am fat….it’s just the way it is...” and other such really 'polite and self loving' things.
No No No!!! Decide to see what you WANT to see…the vision…the truth…the goal…the finished product.

And this is Me:


OH YES!!!! I CAN!!!!

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