Monday, June 6, 2011

Mad as Hell...

...and I am SO tired!

It has truly been ‘one of those days’.

It was my boss’s first day back in the office after an extended business trip so you can imagine that it was a little 'all over the place'. I am always just trying to keep up at work. I had to bring work home, but then couldn’t do the bulk of it because of a technical glitch which could not be fixed because that particular part of our help desk had closed for the day. So we know what awaits me tomorrow. While I was working on some other stuff, I got an email from the same boss, asking for something that I was supposed to have done weeks ago. There was no way to cover this up. I had to confess to him that I had not done it. He was very nice about it but too many of such incidents are not a very good look.
You know you have been in a place too long when you totally start losing your touch. Things just keep slipping through the cracks…I know I am busy, but still. I think I have just shut down part of my brain concerning this job…I just really don’t care enough about it anymore.

I am proud to say that I did do my work out today though. (at least that did not slip through the cracks J) I went down to the gym at my job in the morning and working out felt really good, BUT I also weighed myself, and I am so unhappy because I seem to have GAINED 2lbs. yes! GAINED!!! I thought I was at my heaviest in the earlier post with my ‘before’ photos, but now I am 176lbs….sigh!
I know, I know…you build muscle before you start losing the fat but still….deep sigh!!

Then there is the pain. Does anything look strange to you in this picture?

That’s right. My middle finger is slightly swollen. It’s been 3 weeks now. At first I thought it would wear off on it’s own…after all there’s always little things that come and go…but then it got worse and more swollen…my finger looked like a sausage. So I took some Aleve and it got better. There is no doubt that there is some inflammation going on here. I know I need to see a doctor for an official diagnosis, but from family history and my own research…it kind of sounds like some early signs of arthritis. Not good!

I remember when my mom had joint pain, I used to give her lectures about taking better care of herself, doing more exercise and eating a healthier diet….now I look in the mirror and hear the same lectures. That’s why you should never judge, you never know when you might find yourself in the same situation. And THEN and only then will you know what YOU would do. So cut out the “well if it were me....” statements.

Then I had a dinner ‘situation’ tonight…we were out of rice. So I jump into the car and go buy some before the store closed. And then I cooked the rice…if that’s want you want to call it. To me it was more like the proverbial “bowl full of mush” from the Good Night Moon book (any parents in the house???)

I was doing dishes while cooking and the drain began to get clogged. The thingy in the sink that protects the drain broke in my hand….AARGH! I’m mad as hell and I want a spacey kitchen that has a large counter and a sink that has a garbage disposal. I want a toilet that does not keep running if I don’t make sure I flush it ‘just right’.

I am mad as hell and I just want to go to bed when I am tired for a change and actually SLEEP through the night.

I am mad as hell and I need a vacation!!!!!!!!!!!

And by the way….there are just 39 working days left!

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