Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sunny, Sunny, Wherefore art thou Sunny???

June 15, 2011

It’s been FIVE long days since my last post. And I have really missed writing. 

4EverFab and I revised the fitness/weight loss challenge for week three which started on Friday and I can’t say that I have done any of what we are supposed to do.

Welcome to my life in an average working week. There is not enough time or energy for anything!

When I began this blog, and also the challenge, four of my managers were away on business for three delightful weeks. Work was a breeze and I came home to work out and write. But since they have all come back, it’s been back to the craziness. It is non-stop from 9 – 5pm then it’s homework, dinner and bedtime and  back to the laptop to finish off some work….and then a workout??? A blog post???
I was able to squeeze in a work out on two of the last few days, but not the blogging, my brain was too fried!
Then I crash, and then I wake up the next morning and do it all again. I always have my laptop on standby on the subway incase I can do some writing during my commute, but I invariably fall asleep and wake up, luckily, right at my stop.

This is why I need out!

It takes way too much out of me, I get too tired and it makes me too miserable.

I was able to blog today, but it is 9:31pm, I didn’t get to work out and after I click on the “publish” button I am going straight to bed.

Having said all that (boring) there are 
 days left on my countdown of working days!!!
 Does David Beckham represent a possible move to L.A.???
Why not? Why limit dreams???

Have a Great Night Folks!!!

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