Friday, June 10, 2011

Dreams do come true

The Title of this cover is "Girls just wanna have Fun" - Very appropriate!!!

Thirty - Five Working Days to go

Did you guys see one of the last Oprah shows that was dedicated to “besties” (Best Friends)?
The Behind the Scenes show on OWN about that one was just the best show ever!

I loved when Gayle spoke the very words that we all were feeling. She said that the end of the Oprah show would be a big hole in her day. She explained that Oprah didn’t feel it the way she was feeling it, because Oprah never experienced the show as a viewer – but Gayle had watched every show. And it brought a lump to her throat to think that this was the last time she would be on the show. Oprah kept saying “it’s not such a big deal” but to Gayle it was!!! It was a HUGE deal!!!

And so it was to us, the audience, as well.

Watching the Behind the Scenes shows is sometimes bitter sweet. It’s fun to see all that goes into putting the show together and to see some of those shows again and what went on between takes and so on, but it is sad to do the countdown again, because this time, it really will be FINAL.

It is so funny to see Oprah so excited about it and everyone else so sad.

But I do understand the position Oprah found herself in….It’s kind of how I am feeling about my job right now. Just that no one knows it….yet!!!

Talking about my countdown, I noticed something interesting.
I have threatened to leave very often, a couple of times I even gave my notice.
I would get this clear inspiration that I simply HAD to leave. I would make my decision and announce my leaving….and suddenly everything in my Spirit would go quiet. No certainty that I was doing the right thing (no doubt either), no excitement about leaving (but no sadness either)…all around, just silence.
Then something ‘good’ would happen at work and I would quickly read it as a sign to stay on…and I would stay. But it would not be too long before the next urge to leave would come again and every time it comes back it has an ..."are you still here??" attached to it.

I am beginning to think this silent period is like a test period. I think the God or the Universe is testing me to see if I am truly going the take the action I decided on. Because He is there waiting to fulfill what comes next…but first I must take that step.
But again and again, I retreat and take back my decision. How then can He bless me?

Bible Quote: James 1
(vs 6) ...He that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. (vs 7)For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. (vs 8) A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.


Well, it’s that silent test time again. I cannot hear anything in my Spirit, work has not been too terrible. I begin to hear the voices again “why don’t you stay? Is it really that bad? Can’t you still fulfill your destiny while staying on here? Does this job really interfere?
To these voices I say..."Silence!!!”

To the countdown I say “Keep counting”

To me I say “Choose Life”

I am certain beyond any doubt, that once the first step is made, everything else will make sense and align with the grand plan of my destiny (which I have eluded by not listening to my inner voice for the past few...but too many...years)

On this same “Besties” Oprah Show – Behind the Scenes, Oprah found out that she would be sleeping over at the Ralph Lauren Ranch in Telluride, Colorado. And she said “All dreams do come true..”

I will hold on to that one. All dreams do come true!!!

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