Just back from the Bronx Zoo. Haven't done my official work out yet, but I wonder if I can't count the 2.5 hours of walking we just did at the Zoo. "We did not even get to see the snakes" my older son declares as we walk past a "snakes" sign on our way out. After some time I had simply stopped telling the kids what other animals there were to see, for fear that they might actually want to go see them. The only animal I was thinking of, was a stuffed one....my pillow!
Anyway, I wrote the post below while was at the laundromat this morning.
I am back at work tomorrow and by the way, we are down to 40 days!!!
You may be asking (as even I am) "are you sure?" "don't you want to rethink this?" "Change your mind?"
The answer is...I am SO ready for my next chapter. And it will NEVER happen as long as the old chapter is still open. So...No! I am not going to rethink this.
Wishing you all a great upcoming week!!!
Love, Peace and Blessings
Earlier Today
Isn’t that just the way of things? You get all excited because you succeeded in starting something that you get carried away celebrating and end up not finishing it.
This is a very risky thing that sneaks up on you and happens VERY easily.
I am very upset that I missed TWO WHOLE DAYS of blogging.
This is how “failure” sneaks up on you.
On Friday, it was not a regular day. I had to leave work early to attend a meeting with C.C., my partner. We already had dinner plans with friends so we thought we’d throw in a movie and make it a whole day for just us. And I figured I would squeeze in my 30 minute work out somewhere in between.
Well, I barely got out of work in time to make it home to meet with C.C. and make it to our meeting on time. In fact we were late. But no problem, had a great meeting and then had some time to while away before dinner. So we thought we’d see the movie then….but with traffic and being a undecided about what we wanted to see and therefore where we'd have to go, when we finally got to the theatre..there wasn’t a single movie we could see that would get us to dinner on time. So we strolled back to the car and headed on to the restaurant for dinner.
At this point it was getting clear to me that I would probably NOT be squeezing in my work out tonight.
Dinner was a blast!!!! And the food was SOOOO good. I highly recommend the Dumont Restaurant in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
There is a delightfully cozy garden bar and seating available in the back.
At this point, my “diet” is out the door.
I had the yummiest burger, with a salad (hey, I got my veggies in) and a delicious side of Mac and Cheese. But this Mac and Cheese is not JUST Mac and Cheese…just look at this excerpt from the menu
DuMac & Cheese, 15
bacon lardons, cheddar, gruyere, parmesan, radiatore pasta
The DuMont Burger, 14
fries or salad, Boston bibb, tomato & pickles(add cheese $1)
sharp white cheddar, American, Danish blue, gruyere
(add thick cut bacon $2)
Darlings!!!!….it was DEEEElicious!!!!
I should also mention that I had 1 Lemon-drop Martini.
Okay….so that was not all…..when we left the restaurant, we all dipped into a corner store and bought…yes, you guessed it …ICE CREAM!!
All this and it’s 11pm..oh my..where will all those calories settle?!?!
After dinner, C.C, and I felt surprisingly awake and thought we would still go for a movie afterall…so we bought tickets for a 12:40am show, but were not allowed into the theatre to sit and wait. So here we are standing in front of the theatre with a one hour wait ahead of us before we (most likely) sleep through a movie. After the first 10 minutes, we knew that we were fooling ourselves. We got our money back and headed home. Hey, I could still make it to write into my blog before midnight….NOT!
The kids were still awake and needed cleaning and settling, and once that was done…not only was it already the next day….but I was falling asleep standing up. Case Closed!
“I’ll make up for it on Saturday”…famous last words!
Saturday, I am happy to say I went for a jog while the kids were down for their afternoon nap, but after that there was an unexpected flurry of activity which ended at 11:55pm (seriously!) I got in the house and RAN to my laptop to quickly put in an entry for the day. But of course, with 2 minutes to go, I can’t figure out how to turn off a mouse lock that my son had somehow turned on when I was watching earlier in the day…I didn’t even know there was such a thing. So I run to my work laptop and believe it or not….for whatever technical reasons, I can’t log in!!! At 12: 15am, I find out what the mouse lock is and how to unlock it but it’s already ‘tomorrow’. Bummer! And we all know what happened next….zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
There is a lesson in all this:
Do I let this detract me from my goals for the week?
Do I give in to the distraction and give up on everything?
Do I say…hey I missed two days already…I am already out of the rhythm, why bother?
Do I get really mad at myself and then sink into a depression because of what a failure I am?
Distractions WILL always come. Obstacles, Interruptions, Discouragements of all sorts….DON’T GIVE IN TO THEM!!!!
Keep your eye on the prize. Gently lead yourself back to your goals. I say gently because I know that I for one can be extremely hard on myself at times like this.
But don’t beat yourself up. Don’t nag! Just remind yourself of what it is you were working on, and get back on it.
So here I am getting my laundry done at 7am. And I plan to get my work out in today, before our trip to the Bronx zoo. I am back on track! J
Failure did NOT Succeed!! : -D