Sunday, February 2, 2014

January 2014 in Review

Life Weights to Lose Weight Program - You are supposed to do this three times a week for 12 weeks. I am in week 4, but I have not been consistent. I have gone every week, but not always 3 times. Somehow scheduling gets in the way. But I realize that this is an excuse. So I'll need to work on that as I go forward.

The good thing is, I have not given up. Which is what I usually do when I find I am slacking. I usually just say "Hey, I've messed up, why bother continuing?" and then I quit with the 'intention' of picking up again at some later date or time. Well, here are two sayings I have for that: 1) Hell is paved with good intentions 2) Tomorrow is not promised. Now is all the time we have.

So I guess I can say that I AM better than I used to be, seems I HAVE grown some after all...because I did not quit. I am just keeping on keeping on. :-) Yay!!!

Marathon Training - Well, I mean HALF marathon LOL! I am loving it and I am learning a great deal about myself in the process. Please read my post "Discovering Self-Love in a Marathon" for the scoop on how my physical training is affecting me.
But also, there is the fundraising aspect of this race that is new to me.
The first time I was signed up for a Marathon, I did not actually sign up. I was riding on the coat tails of my friend who had signed up and was raising funds. I did not want to make the commitment to raise funds.
With my new outlook on prosperity, and understanding that giving is receiving, (not to mention me just stepping out of my comfort zone), I now see how committing to raise funds, not only strengthens my commitment to the race, but also opens the way for money to come through me. Each donation provides the most amazing feeling of abundance which is the perfect vibration to be having when you are working to increase financial prosperity in your life. Remember the Universe matches your vibrations.
So I am feeling really good about it all. I feel fully alive. It's wonderful, and it's wonderful to be able to see how I have missed out all these years when I would not take part in opportunities to give.
I always thought I was a giving person, because I am generous with my time and energy, but Spirit is showing me where I have been falling short as far as giving money is concerned. A great lesson. Thank you!

Business - Again, I must confess my lack of consistency. This is NOT acceptable at all! The deal is that I am to do the work CONSISTENTLY for 90 days and evaluate the results. This means blogging and promoting every day for 90 days...Well, it's February the 2nd and I have 14 posts to my name since January 1st....That does not add up, does it??? Ok, I know I was giving myself props for not quitting when I was talking about the weight lifting program above, but this is different.

You can NOT run a business 'SOME of the time' and hope to reap 'ALL of the time''s not going to happen!

So it's time to buckle up and do this for real.

EVERY day, for 90 days! no excuses!

Check back next month! :-)

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