May 27, 2011 - Morning
Let’s talk about that dreaded 'C' word.
I am without a doubt to some degree a commitment-phobe.
Not necessarily in relationships though, because in that area, I am the exact opposite. I stick in relationships I shouldn’t be in, I take whatever abuse is meted out, I stay in jobs that drain instead of build me, but hey…that’s commitment! And you can always count on Susan!!!
But now...
Tell me I need to wake up early to go jogging...
Tell me I need to write at least 3 pages everyday...
Tell me I need to give up certain foods..even in the interest of my health,
Tell me I need to commit to being in a certain place at a certain time regularly (and I am not talking about going to work, or watching my favorite TV show)...
… suddenly I am out!
Before I even begin, I am convinced that I can’t!
And so even without trying….I just don’t!
Sometimes I do start, but with the first sign of doubt or discouragement, I give up.
This is a danger especially common with blogging…now just on my third day.
Last night I settled down to write a blog post when my young son, Seabass interfered.
I lay down next to him to encourage him to sleep and lo and behold – I fell asleep myself!!!
I woke up at 2:30am, tucked him in and went to bed.
I was angry. I missed a blog day! and at once the voices in my head began to put in their two cents…
“you can always miss a day…”
“it’s not like anyone would even notice…”
“no one is even reading your blog yet…”
“I told you this blogging thing is not a good idea…it’s too hard….too this…too that…”
And so on and so forth…
Now if you hear these voices on one day and you still continue inspite of them on the next, good for you!
But my story in the past has been that on day 2, 3, 4 and on thereafter, I myself am repeating what the voices said and soon enough I am closing the account and I lament “I knew this couldn’t work!”
Ok, but this is a different blog.
This blog is a journey. A journey I must take if I wish to thrive.
I wish to thrive!
And so I here again, make a commitment to this blog.
And I am declaring my victory over commitment-phobia!
If I know I am not going to do it – I won’t even say ‘Maybe’ – I’ll say No!
And if I say I am going to do it – by George (whoever he may be)!!! I AM going to do it!!!
My post last night was going to be about putting together the list to work through.
Well I think it is appropriate that circumstances have made it such that I am addressing commitment today, because without it…I will not make it down that list.
So I think it is only right that the first thing on my list is this…
Commit!...and Stick with it!!!!!
May 27, 2011 – Evening
So a lot has happened today.
A good friend of mine who also has started a very motivational blog called today and we got talking about the commitment issue. Commitment to our writing, and commitment to our weight loss and exercise.
So we have come up with a plan to help each other out.
The tried and true method of TEAMWORK!!!!
Having work out or writing buddy means you have more than just those crazy voices in your head to be accountable to. And it works!!!! Remember Oprah and Bob Greene??
Here is our challenge for this week, a good way to get started:
- Write every day for the next seven days. A whole lot or just a page, a line, a paragraph, even a word….as long as you are writing each day.
- Do at least 20 minutes of movement everyday for seven days. Running, walking, pushups, weights, swimming…whatever…just make sure you are moving for at least 20 minutes straight.
My Goodness!, that is the easiest challenge in the world!!!
It is not going to produce a best-selling novel or chiseled abs, but it is a commitment to the beginning of sticking with it.
Our journey officially begins! Feel free to join in!!!
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