Thursday, February 21, 2013

Get Clear to Get Clear

I am still working on clearly stating my it's February 22.

One thing I CAN say, is that being serious about writing down my goals - a first time for me -  revealed one very necessary goal to me: the need to de-clutter! Not just my desktop, my closet, my room, but my life!!

It's funny, but just as I came to that realization, I looked up and saw the current edition of the Oprah Magazine in a store and lo and behold the front page title -

"De-clutter Your Life" 

How apt! and how about that for synchronicity?!

Now, don't get me wrong; It's not that I am hoarder or even that I am generally disorganized. It's just that life was taking over. I was so busy all the time, that I did not always make the little extra effort of putting things exactly where they belong. I would put them somewhere that made sense. Even somewhere that I would find them. But it just wasn't EXACTLY where they belong. Slowly, with time, I noticed that I had several places having the same things in them and this over time does start to interfere with finding things. You will know where they are, but it could be one of several places. I had to get back to basics and specifics. 

And so I have begun to de-clutter! 

Out with the excess, the non-essentials, and the things are really do not need to be here.
In with a new organizing system, some labels and some storage bins and shelving. We are going to make sense of this mess yet.

And the first really necessary thing was my desktop on my laptop. I swear it looked like this...

Whenever anyone saw it, they would gasp in shock because I had so many icons, files and folders on there, it filled the entire screen and actually went beyond it. It had become hard to find folders or files when I needed them because there was always the chance that they were some where beyond the screen. And the worst thing is...this was my work laptop, not my personal home laptop. I used to bring my laptop home everyday because I worked from home often and so it was inevitable that I used my work laptop for most of my personal things too. I had many personal files on there. It was definitely time to clean that up. Time to separate my work from my personal. I am relieved that is done. My desktop is clean, and all my personal files and folders have been moved to a portable hard drive which I keep in my bag so that I still have access to these files at a moments notice should I need them during the regular work day.

Now I have started with our shelves at home and the basement. I want to be done before my LLC registration papers arrive because that's when my real work will begin and I want to be all de-cluttered, clear and organized when that happens.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Well, as usual…once I am faced with a difficult question…I disappear for a while. How am I ever going to have a flourishing blog that is interesting to read and worth following if I keep falling off the face of the earth like I do??? It doesn’t work that way Sunny!!!

So what sent me running this time? The question: what are my goals. Are you kidding me? If that question has me running for the hills…then where on earth do I think I will end up? And HOW?

Ok Sunny…this is no way to go! It IS time to pull yourself together, to take responsibility for your life, to become an adult….to do this right!!!

We are not promised tomorrow..there is precious little time...don't you want to have time left to actually enjoy a life you could build by being disciplined for a change???

Get it together, girl!!!  

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week in Review - February 3, 2013

Nothing incapacitates me quite like a sinus headache!

(Got this really accurate image of how I feel from Eric Spitler's Art Blog)

If I don’t catch a sinus headache in time, it can linger for at least three days. Ugh!!! :-(
Before I was put on Blood Pressure Medication, I used to get migraines which would incapacitate me regularly, but the medication took care of that but since it seems my head still wants to hurt sometimes, it took up sinus headaches instead.
I find these to be worse, because my migraines always responded to medication…sinus headaches don’t! So I have been positively useless since Friday.

Nonetheless, January, the first month of 2013 is already over, so I figure I should review the week to see how I am doing with the goals I have set to accomplish for this year. So here goes:

The week in review:

Fitness – Well, on a positive note, I downloaded MyFitnessPal and the Walkroid Pedometer, to track my food, exercise and movement. But on a negative note; I only tracked my food for two complete days. The other days, I either stopped tracking early because I was disgusted at myself or I just gave up knowing that I was going to go over the allotted calorie limit for the day anyway. Sigh!
As for the pedometer, the problem with the fact that it is on my smart phone is that I have to have my phone on me at all times to get an accurate report…and…I don’t! I mean who has their smart phone clipped to them at home? So I’ll have to figure something else out there. The Fact of the matter is that I just need to start really working out. And not just depending on all the walking I do during the day to make up for it. So there’s something I need to work on as far as my fitness goals go.

Blog – Happy to say, I have kept with it this week. My goal for next week is to link this blog to a twitter account and start tweeting too. That way I will be able to say little things more often than having to wait till I can make the time to actually sit and write.
I have also downloaded Blogger on my Droid so I can post blogs on the go…but there is the slight problem that I cannot access the internet when I am on the underground…so...!

My Novel – Happy to report that I have started on my next chapter. Read in the writers group. Got positive feedback.

My Business – Nothing on this front this week. Still waiting for my LLC registration to come through.

Therapy – Had a major breakthrough connecting with my inner self. This is Major for me!!! More on that another time J

Summary – Realization! I still have not accurately identified my goals for this week, this month, this year! So writing a review is very vague and general. So here’s a big goal for the upcoming week – Clearly identify where I am going. Start with one thing if that’s all I can articulate, but I do have to have a clearer plan.

Having said all that…it’s time for me to do two things…
The Laundry…

and then The Super Bowl (which I watch more for the commercials and the shows than the game itself – Sorry!)

So ENJOY THE GAME!!  And I’ll be back tomorrow