Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Passion is not frosting!

A fantastic post on Sally Hoghead's site. A very fun site I might add.

"Passion isn’t the frosting on top of your career. It’s the whole damn cupcake!!!"

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Weight Watchers...I am tempted!

Hi all,
A friend sent me this inspiring story from Weight Watchers. I do believe WW is awesome, having tried it before. It truly teaches you how to live a healthier and better life. It is so much more than a diet. It's a life style.
Of course, I dropped out after consistently missing meetings...can some one say "COMMITMENT!!!"

Well, every now and then, I hear stories like this that totally tempt me to make that commitment again...and um...this time STICK TO IT!!!

Best part of this story is what she says at the end. She did not "join" WW. She "became" WW.
I love that!!! That is COMMITMENT!!!

Gee I still have SO FAR to go in that area....Sigh!!!

enjoy the article...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Impatience and High Blood Pressure - Blue Heron Health News

I think I may have mentioned before that last year I was diagnosed with borderline high blood pressure.
I was placed on medication and given dietary and life-style advice.
My blood pressure has been well maintained since then....mainly due to the medication, because, as you know, I am still very much working on the diet and life style.
But here's a thing....I believe that my corporate job environment is at least 80% responsible for my high blood pressure. The stress and pressure of work is extremely unhealthy. Even in an Administrative Assistant position, which HR and the powers-that-be think is the easiest most light weight job in the company....NOT!!!
There is always someone needing something YESTERDAY and expecting to get it then, you are always required to perform magic and make miracles happen, and if you are any less than your stellar is a real problem.
Not to mention lay offs and outsourcing such that, like everywhere else in corporate America these days, you are left doing the work of 3 people. 

Yup...sounds like a precursor to high blood pressure to me.

Anyway, there is much evidence I am sure linking stress to high blood pressure. But it is interesting to note that impatience can lead to this. Our world has become one of instant gratification in just about every area (i.e. wanting things yesterday)...and there is no doubt that this is making us extremely impatient(now! now!! I want it NOW!!!)....and extremely stressed (Aaaaaargh!!!).....and hello...blood pressure spike!!!
I was very amused by this article from a blog I subscribe to and I thought you might not just enjoy it, but really think about it, check yourself and see if maybe you don't need to slow things down a bit too.
Enjoy the read...

Hey, tomorrow is Monday. Have a great week! :-)
Peace and Love